Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Continuing Professional Development CPD

CILTA membership gives members the opportunity to track their Continuing Professional Development and keep record of their personal professional development program throughout their career (required for MILT, CMILT and FCILT members under the age of 60 – for all other members this is optional, but they may still wish to track their details).

Similarly, being recognised as a CPL/CTP/CPP is the start of an ongoing process of learning and experience as a professional. Retention of the Certified status requires completion of a minimum level of recognised CPD activities across each year of the three-year period following the initial granting of your Certified status.

This is an essential tool to maintain the currency of your accredited level. It demonstrates your personal interest in continual learning and maintaining an active involvement in your professional development.




Requirements for CPL, CTP and CPP

Members must achieve a minimum of 120 points from the CPD activities documented in the e-logbook within a three-year timeframe. The number of hours required to earn these points will vary based on the specific activities selected.

It is best to plan for the CPD activities over the course of the three-year period, and do not leave it too late to meet the requirements. Otherwise, you may forego particular CPD opportunities that would be of most benefit to your job, and career in general.

CPD Units can be recorded in the CPD e-Logbook:

  • All CILTA activities and externally gained CPD points can be added manually in a simple uploading process.

CILTA will undertake a review of the CPD activity at the end of the three-year period.

Please note: If evidence of CPD activity is not provided and the renewal fee is not paid, the accreditation will lapse, and the post-nominal can no longer be used.

The cost for the triennial renewal of CPL/CTP/CPP accreditations is $110 (incl. GST).


What are Recognised CPD Activities for CILTA members?

CPD units can be acquired from:

  • Activities undertaken with CILTA
  • Activities certified and recognised by CILTA
  • Activities that relate to the practice of transport and logistics and undertaken through external providers of appropriate professional standing.

Activities can include:

  • Formal study, including short courses
  • Informal learning, e.g. through ‘on the job’ opportunities
  • Informal private study, tours or site visits, professional exchanges
  • Attendance at association or industry events, such as Conferences, briefings, dinner meetings with guest speaker, seminars and workshops
  • Presentations at Conferences, seminars and workshops, and/or publication of papers and reports
  • Participation in association committee work related to professional development and standards
  • Other special events or activities e.g. receipt of industry or association awards

Please note: If evidence of CPD activities is not provided and the membership fee is not paid, the post-nominal can no longer be used, and you may be asked to return your CILT membership certificate.

* CILTA members who are accredited as CPL, CTP, or CPP members will be able to access both logbooks with the same login credentials.